уторак, 12. април 2011.

Cokeman, Pepsiman of Cockta guy?

In 1886, in Atlanta, a pharmacist John Pemberton made a formula for Coca-Cola“…These are the words with which a recently new commercial for Coca Cola begins. The truth is that then, it had all begun. Indubitably, every single man, in every single corner of this planet was at least once in his life, introduced with this soft, sweet, black drink that with every single sip forces you to drink more and more. This non-alcoholic drink since the end of 19th century, when it was invented, became an instant hit and planetary popular. The advertising, besides a good taste, is definitely responsible for the worldwide success of it, which later developed in a powerful corporation.

The advertisements, as well as the target audience, changed and developed over time, adapting themselves to the needs of a market.

From its beginning, Coca Cola advertising largely influenced the American culture. In 1920s, the target audience were housewives and young couples who were smiling from the posters down on you, and recommended Coke as the ultimate refreshment.

In the famous winter campaign, in 1930s, the Santa Claus, as we know it, was made. Santa’s red-and-white image made an immediate association on this drink, and at the same time, Coca Cola became the synonym for happiness, and the wishes that came true. All you needed was to drink Coke, and the wishes would become reality.

In the 1960s and through 1970s and 1980s, Coca Cola used the pattern that many different corporations use nowdays in their advertising campaigns-the celebrities. Movie stars, sports heroes and popular singers were back then and are today idols to many people. They are successful, young and wealthy, a dream that come true in the eyes of the ordinary people. If they are drinking Coke, than this drink must be good, and if I drink it, I will be successful and happy, just as they are, that is the philosophy behind this kind of commercials.

Coca Cola slogans like “Open Happiness”, or “The Coke Side of Life”, convey a message of happiness and joy that Coke evokes in you while you drink it. However, in recent years, at least in our country, the focus of Coca Cola campaign is on family and the preservation of family values. The setting of this kind of commercials is at the table, while all family members are gathered over a meal. The family values and Coca Cola bottle which is at the centre of the table, and which gathers them around the table, are emphasized here.

Three years after Pemberton made Coca Cola, another variety of this drink, Pepsi Cola appeared on the market. The marketing of Pepsi and Co. was often called niche marketing due to advertisements that were addressed directly toward African Americans. The slogan from the 1940s campaign “Leaders in the Field” clearly sends the message to the African people who worked in the fields for rich landowners in America, that with Pepsi, they can feels like leaders, as well.

 In later years, Pepsi launched a strong campaign against its major concurrent, Coca Cola. This campaign had, as its aim the predominance of Pepsi on the American, and world market, as well. The Pepsi challenge was introduced in 1975, which was a blind tasting of Pepsi Cola and its rival Coca Cola. During the tests, according to PepsiCo, the majority of people said that Pepsi tasted better of the two Colas.

Just like Coca Cola, Pepsi introduced many celebrities in its advertising campaigns, as well. Some of them are: Joanie Summers, The Jacksons, and in the recent years David Beckham, Pink, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, etc…The famous one is a campaign with Britney Spears under the slogan “For those who think young”, which indicates that you will stay young and feel and look young, just as Britney, if you drink Pepsi.
Pepsi Stuff campaign, which lasted more than ten years, during which a lot of caps, T-shirts and jackets with Pepsi logo were sold, as well as Pepsiman, a mascot, contributed to popularization of this soft drink.

The third drink, which has similar taste, and can be compared to the previous too comes from the neighbouring country, precisely from Slovenia, and its name is Cockta. It was made in 1950s, and instatly became a smashing hit in the country, and abroad.

Its main advantage over both Coke and Pepsi was that it was made of all the matural ingredients and that was emphasised in its campaigns. The slogan for this campaign was: “No Caffeine, No Acid, No Kidding!”An implication here is that you can enjoy its full taste, without being afraid of any side effects.

Unlike PepsiCo and Coca Cola, Cockta emphasised the perspective of health in its advertising campaigns. One of the posters even depicted Chuck Norris holding a bottle of Cockta in his hand, under the slogan „Chuck Norris drinks it!“ Clearly, the picture was modified in photoshop, but it was still interesting, and a good joke.

In 2000s Cockta had its revival since it fell into oblivion due to the political situation and the wars in the 1990s that were waged in the Balkans. I tried it for the first time few years ago, and was not blown away by the taste, to be honest. On the other hand, my parents, especially my father simply love it, and refear to it as a drink of their youth, which was, by the way, Cockta’s slogan in 1980s.

There are various debates on the difference in taste and the preferece between Pepsi and Coke.I am probably not the right person to talk about that, since I don’t usually drink either of them, and can not taste any difference whatsoever. However, there are those who swear that the difference exists, and that Pepsi is sweeter than Coke. If you are interested in the right answer, taste both of them, and let me know.       

Guns & Books

Living in America or elsewhere, our children, those born in the 21st century, children to whom all the innovations of the modern age are available, the television, internet, social networks etc, are undoubtedly becoming bitter, enraged and violent. Whether media, bad parenting, or something else is to be blamed, the fact is that our young generations are more and more violent and intolerant with every day, and they are expressing this dissatisfaction through violence in everywhere: in the public, at home, in schools… The cartoonist Robert Mankoff expresses his concern for those children, and the future of the USA with the aggressive juveniles through his cartoon.

The student’s aggressive behavior in the public schools in the USA is a major issue for over a decade. Conflicts, or some minor disagreements among them, of with the teachers often had a tragic ending. Therefore, entering an American public school today looks more like entering a prison, with metal detectors and searching body cavities. Mankoff, presents this problem through the cartoon to wide American population.

The cartoon depicts a typical American classroom. The figure of the teacher occupies central part of it. He, Mr. Collins, looks as any average teacher, and there is nothing particularly striking in his portrait. Even his face looks a bit blunt, with evident lack of enthusiasm. We can conclude from the cartoon that the students are probably in senior year in high school, or more likely in college. Additionally to that, some of the students are portrayed as gangsters: one of them is bald, which characteristic haircut for those who are dangerous to be around. Also, other two male students, who are black, are wearing caps in the classroom, which can be interpreted as the expression of the rebellion. Therefore, we are not surprised, that after Mr. Collins introduces himself to the students for the first time, he makes it clear that he is armed. In thew other words, he does not feel safe among students, so he has to protect himself.

Mankoff’s cartoon is both comic and tragic at the same time. Its humorous side is expressed through the evident usage of hyperbole, which it so obvious that it gives the comic note to the whole situation. The tragedy of it is, that it sadly represents the reality, and the situation with which the teachers, as well as students, deal with every day in schools.

This problem affects our country, as well, not just the USA. The question that raises is who is responsible for the escalation of violence in the schools in the USA or in our country? Is it society, media, parents or something else…? How can the authorities, and we, the ordinary people, prevent this ship from further sinking? It is of a great importance that we take this issue seriously, and find the root of this dissatisfaction and rebellion that took large proportions and take extreme measures to suppress it, before its too late. After all, we, the youngsters, are the future of this world.     

среда, 16. март 2011.

What would Mohammed Drive?

What would Mohammed Drive?

The Doug Marlette’s cartoon, depicting an Arab, driving nuclear weapons in a rental car, caused many controversies, and enraged the members of Islamic community in the USA. Controversial cartoon, according to the words of the author, was an allusion to the issue that arose among some Protestants over the morality of driving gas-guzzling SUV: “What would Jesus drive?”
Whatever was the motive for Marlette to draw this cartoon, its purpose was, undoubtedly, to provoke many, the Islamic community, as well as the Americans. Some aspects of this cartoon, both those visible, and the ones drawn from the context, serve to “jab and poke” Marlette’s target audience, the Islamic community in the States.
Of great significance certainly is the date when the cartoon was made, and appeared subsequently on the official site of the American newspapers. The cartoon appeared on-line immediatelly after 11th September 2001, when the infamous terrorist attack occurred, and the planes crushed into the World Trade Center. The whole nation was still recovering, and the wounds were still fresh, so the cartoon additionally enraged and infuriated already frightened Islamic community that was labeled as terroristic after the attack.
Additionally to that, some details, like the portrait of the driver, only further enhanced the provocative effect. The driver appears to be angry, revengeful, the look of his face suggests that he is willing to accomplish his goal, and that he enjoys in it. Some may interpret him as a personification of Mohammed himself, but according to Marlette’s words, it is not Mohammed, but “generic Arab headless-wearing man”.
Another striking thing about the cartoon is the vehicle that the Arab is driving. The truck is a Ryder rental truck, the one that was used for the previously thwarted, terrorist attack. Analogy is very obvious here, suggesting the readers that the threat does not come from the air only, but that it can come from anywhere. In this way, the cartoon, deliberately, or not, spreads the fear and panic among already frightened non-Arabic Americans.
It is needless to say that the controversial drawing is more than persuasive. Due to its composition, analogy and symbolic, it leaves no one indifferent. The author’s goal was, undoubtely, to shock, and provoke a strong emotional reaction among the readership, which consists of both Islamic and non-Islamic people. The controversis and reactions that this cartoon provokes even today, proves that Marlette achieved his goal.

Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical analysis
            One of the fundamental human rights is the right to profess your own religion. The USA, comprising the wide range of both national and religious diversity, is the ultimate democratic country, the one that accepts all the people regardless of their nationality, religion, or who they believe in. It is a Promised Land, “A Land of Plenty”, where everyone is accepted for whom they are, or at least it is thought so…
However, neither Huntington’s text, nor Markstein’s cartoon deal with the issue of diversity of religion in the USA, on contrary, it deals with the atheism and atheists and their place in the American society.
Both the text and the cartoon are concerned with the arising problem of the Pledge of Allegiance’s text, which caused a number of controversies in the States. The Huntington’s text specifies the issue by stating that although American society practiced the politics of equality and freedom of every kind, for all the citizens, the atheists and unbelievers, opposed to the religious ones, have no right to impose atheism. They are on the margins of the society, “Atheists are outsiders in America, as he says”.
 Further on, Huntington looks back on Michael Newdow’s lawsuit against his daughter’s school district, pointing out that although it was argued as “a message to unbelievers that they are not full members of political community” in the Court of Appeals, it was nonetheless dismissed at the Supreme Court.
Additionally to that, Huntington points out that due to the fact that the Pledge of Allegiance is closely related to identity of the nation, the religion is an important aspect of lives of the Americans. Therefore, although having the right not to recite the pledge, at least not “under God” part, atheists do not have the right to impose atheism to those who defined America as a religious country.
On the other hand, the accent of Gary Markstein’s cartoon is not on the position of the atheists in the American society, but on the younger generations whose believes do not have such a strong foundation.
The cartoon represents a typical classroom in the America, the students, who being visibly unenthusiastic, are reciting the pledge in front of their teacher. Instead of saying “…one nation under God…”, they said “…one nation under nothing in particular…”, to the teacher’s astonishment. The students, who are approximately 6, clearly represent new generation of Americans who is not concerned with the religion, and it is not of a great significance to them. The flag looks almost like a cloth, indicating a lack of patriotism. However, the portrait of a teacher being repelled, almost disguised by what was said, shows us the attitude of a cartoonist towards this issue.
The cartoon can be interpreted as Markstein’s way of expressing his attitude towards the religion, and its omnipresence in American culture and society. Being an atheist, Markstein may be suggesting that times when religion was imposed to every citizen, times when religion was in every pore of the society, came to an end, with the new generation of Americans who will change the current situation.
Finally, to conclude, I would like to add that regardless of who we are: atheists, believers or non-believers, we should all have the right to express or opinions or attitudes towards the religion. The religion itself should not be imposed to those who do not believe in God, nor should they be condemned by others, just as the atheists should not criticize believers, not just in American society, but elsewhere.              

уторак, 15. март 2011.

Creative practice

Creative Practice
Early in the morning, as I was rushing, getting late for my classes, when I encountered a man dressed up as a chicken. The bright, yellow color of his costume immediately caught my attention. While passing by me, this huge chicken offered me a flyer, on which it was written “Gomex, popravljamo raspolozenje”. The man didn’t tell me anything, but the costume and the chicken walk immediately draw my attention, and it surely was a very smart move, to advertise discounts of the certain products in the neighborhood. It’s slogan :”Popravljamo raspolozenje” is an interesting persuasive technique, since it suggests that if you shop there, you will be happier due to low prices.
  I was still running late for my classes, so after a while, I turned around the corner, to take a shortcut, and there was, in front of me, a huge billboard advertising a hotel “Stari krovovi”. The poster on the billboard shows an exclusive suite furnished with the stylistic furniture in red, creating the feeling of comfort and luxury at the same time. Additionally to that, the logo of the hotel written in calligraphy is almost royal like and gives an impression of sophistication and can certainly attract people who can afford it, to enjoy its facilities.
The wind was blowing so much, and I was really glad when I entered in SPENS to warm up a little bit. Wherever I turned my head, there were signs of persuasive advertising. During the year, there are held all sorts of sports and cultural events, so naturally, advertisements were everywhere. From words such as SALE!!!, EXTRA VEEELIKI POPUST, that jumped up from shop windows, to posters advertising exclusive concerts of famous singers for 8th March. But, while I was going out, I saw the advertisement that I had seen myriad times before, and it still, caught my attention every time. The well known bakery “Žeki”, that bakes really tasty rolls, pizzas and many other products, has opened, a few months ago, a restaurant of home cooked meals. The entire outer wall of the bakery was covered with the poster of what looked like a large plate full of pasta and tomato sauce. I go this way at least once every day, and still, every time I look at this poster, I get hungry.
When I finally reached the building of the faculty, both hungry and tired at the same time, and entered inside, Suddenly, I realized that almost every wall and the notice board were smeared with all kinds of advertisements. The most striking ones were those printed in the bright colors, with big letters suggesting you to travel to interesting destinations for a small price, which is what we, as students, need the most. In most of the cases, posters of this kind, depict young people of our age that we can identify with, in front of some famous destination, smiling and having fun. On the top of all, there is usually a big slogan that subtly suggests: „U Prag za 80€!“ In my opinion, this kind of advertising is the most persuasive, at least for the students and my peers. We all yearn to travel and meet different cultures, people, explore the world and enrich our experience in every way, but the economic factor is always the one standing in our way.     
When my lecture was finally over, and I started thinking about the impact of the adds and its constant presence in our everyday life. Wherever we go of look, whether we just walk along the street like I did, or turn on the computer, of even our cell phones, we are bombarded with all kinds of advertisements which can be more or less persuasive. Whether we are annoyed, or pleased by it, we certainly can not remain indifferent.        

среда, 9. март 2011.

Invention procedures

Invention procedures
Early foreign language learning is:
·         Essential in 21st century
·         Beneficial for employement potential
·         Increasing native language ability
·         Sharping cognitive and life skills
·         The globalization and the impact of mass media as well as avaliability of different information brings different parts of the world even more together, so it is the need for every future global citizen to be competent in other languages.
·         The knoledge of different languages will certainly increase future enployment possibilities for those children
·         Language learning at the early age is improving child’s cognitive skills due to a variety of language skills that improve mental flexibility, creativity, problem solving, and other thinking skills.
·         Some pshychologist, as well as some parents think that learning foreign language can slow down a progress of learning mother tongue in an early age.
Which are the benefits of learning foreign language in an early age?

Possesses unique capacity for language learning which makes acquisition easier
Language is difficult to learn, but are highly motivated
Acquire the second language naturally, with the proficiency in pronunciation
Possess wide knowledge about the grammar, and the vocabulary
Being exposed to the second language(through songs, books...) at home and school is essential
If having hearing or vision problems, adults can not learn second language by listening

The research shows that learning other languages allows children to use their native language more efficiently and increases their understanding of languages in general. This does not only refer to a specific language skills, but overall linguistic skills, as well.
 Young language learners enrich their lives by having expanded world view. The language learning helps them also having a greater intercultural appreciation and sensitivity in the future. 

уторак, 8. март 2011.

Literacy assingment

Literacy assingment

            I took my First Certificate course test in December 2007, after I spent a year going to the private classes with my group and a few months preparing for this exam. When I started the course, I didn’t take it too seriously, in fact I didn’t take it seriously, at all. After all, I was the one who was the best in English in primary school and the one of the best in the secondary school, I, and the few others were those students who would help others with their homework, we were those who knew the answers to teacher’s questions. Therefore, I was very confident in my knowledge and saw attendance to the course classes and doing homework as sufficient. I certainly didn’t need to prepare and study for the exam! Well, at least I thought so…
            The examination was held in the edifice of BK University, at 9:00, in Novi Sad. The test consisted of several parts: reading, writing and listening, so it would take the whole day to complete it all. I remember waking up that day, at around 6:30 with the strangest feeling in my stomach. I was nervous, anxious and tired, since I hadn’t slept well the previous night. I hardly ate my breakfast, a slice of bread with a plum jam, and was ready to hit the road. It was cold and windy day, and while my friends, who were also taking the course and sitting the exam, and I, were standing outside of building of BK University, I could feel a cold wind go through my bones. Fear and panic were rising with every minute among all of them. I decided not to listen to their bursts of anxiety while they were revising the grammatical rules. After all I was the strongest link there, I didn’t need the revision, I knew everything.
            The exam started at 9 am sharp. I easily got through reading part, multiple choice questions, and the writing as well. Only occasional whisper of my friend, who was sitting next to me, would interrupt a complete silence in the room. She was trying to copy the answers from me, and the guy sitting next to her. She was comparing our answers: “You have completely different answers in the third!” Completely confident, I said to her: “I think mine are good”. She: “Great, just bloody great!”
            In the early afternoon, right after the listening part, which was not difficult, at all, came the speaking, and it shook my confidence a little bit. The fact that we were to speak in front of a native speaker, terrified me, so both my friend, who was my speaking couple, and I haven’t done our best. I was slightly disappointed, but even bigger disappointment was waiting for me when I saw, few weeks later, the results of the exam!
            Big, fat FAILED popped out in front of my eyes next to my name on the computer screen. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I failed FCE exam, the one that everyone says is so easy that even those who speak English poorly can pass it, with no effort. I was devastated. Of course, there is no need to mention that all my other fellow students passed it, even my friend who copied the answers from me, and she was positive that she would fail. I started crying. For the first time in my life, I truly felt like a failure. I let down my parents, the ones that truly believed in me, and I let down myself. Teaching English, reading, and translating were my passions, since 6th grade in primary school, I wanted to become a teacher, and study English, I took part in competitions there, and won prizes…But I was no longer in the 6th grade, and I didn’t know what I want any more. I originally started the FCE course to upgrade my knowledge, and prepare myself for the entrance exam on the Department of English language. I was constantly asking myself if that was a sign. “Should I give up, now while I still have time, or should I pursue my dream?
            After a lot of thinking, I had realized that I could turn this bad experience into something positive. I decided to follow my dream and take the entrance exam in English, the next year. Since I learned my mistake in the hard way, I studied really hard for my entrance exam for a few months. Unlike with FCE exam, this time all the effort paid off. This time, the feelings of fulfillment, joy and happiness overwhelmed me. I was proud of my accomplishment, of the fruit of my hard work. In one brief moment, my confidence and all my dreams, were crushed, but, life had taught me to rise and never give up on anything.      
            That day, when I saw the results and the word FAILED next to my name, I faced the reality. Although this experience was beneficial for my emotional and psychological growth as a person, it was still very painful to see your dreams crushed and see a completely different reality from the one you perceived. It is always very difficult to be objective to yourself, or at least close to it. Back then, it was a complete shock, but today I see it as a wake up call. I had realized that I should pursuit my dream, and work on it harder than ever! And so I did.